%META:TOPICINFO{author="TWikiContributor" date="1379989624" format="1.1" version="9"}% %META:TOPICPARENT{name="TWikiGroups"}% ---+!! %PARENTBC% %URLPARAM{"topic"}% Use this group for [[%SYSTEMWEB%.TWikiAccessControl][access control]] of webs and topics. %EDITPREFERENCES{ "%SYSTEMWEB%.TWikiPreferencesForm" editbutton="Edit Group Settings" }% * Member list: * Set GROUP = %WIKINAME% * Purpose of this group: * Set DESCRIPTION = * Persons/group who can change the list: * Set ALLOWTOPICCHANGE = %URLPARAM{"topic"}% %T% The GROUP and ALLOWTOPICCHANGE settings accept a comma-space delimited list of users and groups in [[%SYSTEMWEB%.WikiWord][WikiWord]] format. Groups may be nested. __%MAKETEXT{"Related topics:"}%__ [[TWikiGroups]], [[%SYSTEMWEB%.TWikiAccessControl][TWikiAccessControl]], [[UserList]], [[%WIKIUSERSTOPIC%]]