%META:TOPICINFO{author="TWikiContributor" date="1275287772" format="1.1" version="14"}% ---+ GoodStyle Collaboration Tips * TWiki has a very simple *[[TWikiShorthand][text formatting shorthand]]*. In any case, you won't go wrong if you simply: * start each line without spaces * separate paragraphs with a blank line * Run together capitalized words to form *[[WikiWords][WikiWords]]:* * WikiWords automatically appear as hyperlinks * make up meaningful, reasonably brief Wiki names - it can be a challenge (it'll sharpen you up!) * WikiWords has name-creation tips that may help #SignAndDate * If a *discussion* is going on: * separate each follow-up with a space * add your WikiName and the date at the end. Example:%BR% =-- %WIKIUSERNAME% - %SERVERTIME{$day $mon $year}%= * OR, by all means, insert your comment where it seems to fit best: * you may want to inset it with a bullet and/or _set it in italics_ so it's clear (always sign and date) * if you'd like to use an initial, use a link with label. Example:%BR% =-- [[%WIKIUSERNAME%][ZXQ]] - %SERVERTIME{$day $mon $year}%= * A good format for a *new topic* is "dissertation followed by discussion": * start with a brief, factual introduction, followed by double horizontal rules * let the discussion begin * When a discussion dies down and the page becomes static, if you're clear on your course, feel free to *refactor mercilessly*: * fearlessly edit down to capture the key points * reduce the noise without losing the facts or the flavor * if you merge or delete comments, group credit =Contributors:= at the end of the page * _This is how Wiki content matures and grows in value over time._ * For *external site links*, you can type URLs directly into the text - =http://etcete.ra/...= - it'll be clear to anyone where they're headed on click. * TWiki is intended for world-wide use, and an internationally understood date format like ==%SERVERTIME{$year}%-09-01== (ISO 8601 date format) or ==01 Sep %SERVERTIME{$year}%== (RFC 5322 date format) is preferred. It's clearer than the ==xx/xx/xx== format, where a date like 9/1/01 can mean either January or September, depending on the local conventions of the readers. For months, use the first three letters: Jan, Feb, Mar, Apr,... * *TIP:* Check the source when you want to find out how something is formatted: click =[Edit]= on the lower toolbar. To see earlier versions, click =[More topic actions]=, then check ="Raw text format"= and click =[View revision]=. A bit of HTML experience can't hurt, but you'll soon see with TWikiShorthand how far that is from necessary. __Related Topics:__ UserDocumentationCategory -- __Contributors:__ TWiki:Main/MikeMannix, TWiki:Main/PeterThoeny