%META:TOPICINFO{author="TWikiContributor" date="1431651759" format="1.1" version="7"}% %META:TOPICPARENT{name="WebSearch"}% ---+!! Search Help %TOC% ---++ Search Pages There are two search pages; WebSearch offers basic search features, while WebSearchAdvanced offers more control over searches. By default searches are keyword based like in a typical search engine: * Specify word(s) you want to find * Multiple words form an *AND* search, =intranet web service= returns all pages that have the three words anywhere in the page * Optionally specify plus signs for *AND* search, like =intranet +web +service= * Enclose words in double quotes to form a *literal search*, like ="web service"= * Specify a minus sign to *exclude* a word, like =soap -shampoo= * Use double quotes if you want to search for a leading minus sign, like ="-nowarn"= * *Stop words* are excluded from a keyword search: * Stop words are common words and characters such as ="how"= and ="where"=, defined in the SEARCHSTOPWORDS setting in the TWikiPreferences * If you want to search for a word in the stop word list, prefix the word with a plus sign * *Example:* To search for all topics that contain ="SOAP"=, ="WSDL"=, a literal ="web service"=, but not ="shampoo"=,%BR% enter this: =soap +wsdl "web service" -shampoo= Regular expression search searches for a set of regular expression patterns: * Patterns are separated by semicolons * An AND search is performed for the list of patterns * An exclamation point preceeding a pattern indicates an AND NOT search; use it to exclude a pattern, like =!web service= * If you want to search for a semicolon or an exclamation point, escape them with a leading backslash, like =\!shampoo= * *Example:* To search for all topics that contain ="SOAP"=, ="WSDL"=, a literal ="web service"=, but not ="shampoo"=,%BR% enter this: =soap;wsdl;web service;!shampoo= ---++ Search Attachments Every web has a WebSearchAttachments topic to search for attachments by name. Specify: * Attachment name. Wildcards can be used, such as =*.doc= for all Word documents * Topic name. Wildcards can be used, such as =T*= for all topics starting with 'T' Note that this does not search content _in_ attachments. For this a search engine such as %IF{ "istopic '%SYSTEMWEB%.SearchEngineKinoSearchAddOn'" then="%SYSTEMWEB%.SearchEngineKinoSearchAddOn" else="TWiki:Plugins.SearchEngineKinoSearchAddOn"}% is needed. ---++ Formatted Searches You can embed a nicely [[FormattedSearch][formatted search]] in a topic by using the =%SEARCH{}%= variable described in VarSEARCH. Searches can be of different types; among others, TWiki offers keyword search, [[RegularExpression][regular expression search]] and a flexible [[QuerySearch][SQL-like query language]]. ---++ Search TWiki Variables [[TWikiVariables][TWiki Variables]] are text strings - =%VARIABLE%= or =%VARIABLE{ parameter="value" }%= - that expand into content whenever a topic is rendered for viewing. TWiki Variables are useful to create TWiki applications and workflows, but there are also variables for content creation such as =%TOC%= to show a table of content and =%INCLUDE{}%= to include another page. You can [[TWikiVariablesSearch][search TWiki Variables & list them by categories]]. ---++ Search Related Preferences TWikiPreferences defines these search preferences: * =SEARCHDEFAULTTYPE=: Default search type for search forms which calls the =search= script * Currently =%SEARCHDEFAULTTYPE%= * =SEARCHVARDEFAULTTYPE=: Default search type for =%SEARCH{}= variable * Currenty =%SEARCHVARDEFAULTTYPE%= * =SEARCHSTOPWORDS=: List of stop words (common words and characters to exclude from a keyword search) * Currently =%SEARCHSTOPWORDS%= __Related Topics:__ UserDocumentationCategory, WebSearch, WebSearchAdvanced, WebSearchAttachments, FormattedSearch, RegularExpression, QuerySearch, TWikiVariablesSearch