%META:TOPICINFO{author="TWikiContributor" date="1171739081" format="1.1" version="5"}% ---+ Permissions settings of the webs on this TWiki site %STARTINCLUDE% | *Web* | *Sitemap* | *VIEW* || *CHANGE* || *RENAME* || | * * | *Listed* | *DENY* | *ALLOW* | *DENY* | *ALLOW* | *DENY* | *ALLOW* | %SEARCH{ "%WEBPREFSTOPIC%" web="%USERSWEB%, %SYSTEMWEB%, all" scope="topic" topic="%WEBPREFSTOPIC%" nototal="on" nosearch="on" format="| [[$web.%WEBPREFSTOPIC%][\"Preferences\"$web web\" width=\"16\" height=\"16\" border=\"0\" />]] [[$web.%HOMETOPIC%][\"Home\"$web web\" width=\"16\" height=\"16\" border=\"0\" />]] [[$web.%HOMETOPIC%][$web]] | $percntVAR{ \"SITEMAPLIST\" web=\"$web\" }$percnt | $percntVAR{ \"DENYWEBVIEW\" web=\"$web\" }$percnt | $percntVAR{ \"ALLOWWEBVIEW\" web=\"$web\" }$percnt | $percntVAR{ \"DENYWEBCHANGE\" web=\"$web\" }$percnt | $percntVAR{ \"ALLOWWEBCHANGE\" web=\"$web\" }$percnt | $percntVAR{ \"DENYWEBRENAME\" web=\"$web\" }$percnt | $percntVAR{ \"ALLOWWEBRENAME\" web=\"$web\" }$percnt |" }% __Please Note:__ * A blank in the the above table may mean _either_ the corresponding control is absent or commented out _or_ that it has been set to a null value. The two conditions have dramatically different and possibly opposed semantics. * %USERSWEB%.TWikiGuest is the guest account - used by unauthenticated users. * The TWiki web must not deny view to %USERSWEB%.TWikiGuest; otherwise, people will not be able to register. %STOPINCLUDE% See TWikiAccessControl for details __Related Topics:__ SiteMap, UserDocumentationCategory, AdminDocumentationCategory, AdminToolsCategory