%META:TOPICINFO{author="TWikiContributor" date="1177803014" format="1.1" version="2"}% %STARTINCLUDE% ---+ TWiki Add-Ons _Add functionality to TWiki with extensions not based on the TWiki scripts._ %TOC% ---++ Overview An add-on runs separately from the TWiki scripts, e.g. for data import, export to static HTML, etc. Add-Ons normally do not call any TWiki code directly, though may invoke TWiki scripts. There are different types of add-ons, they may be stand alone scripts, browser plugins, office tool extensions, or even a set of TWiki topics that form a TWiki application. __Relevant links on TWiki.org:__ * TWiki:Plugins.AddOnPackage - list of all contributed add-on scripts * TWiki:Plugins.AddOnDevelopment - discussion and feedback on contributed add-on scripts * TWiki:Plugins.AddOnBrainstorming - open forum for new add-on script ideas * TWiki:Plugins.AddOnPackageHowTo - instructions and template to create a new add-on topic __See other types of extensions:__ TWikiContribs, TWikiPlugins, TWikiSkins ---++ Add-Ons Installed on this TWiki %SEARCH{ "AddOn" scope="topic" topic="*AddOn" nosearch="on" format=" * [[$topic]]: $pattern(.*?\*\sSet\sSHORTDESCRIPTION\s\=([^\n\r]*).*) - version $pattern(.*?Version\:?\s*\|([^\n\r\|]*)\|.*)
Author: $pattern(.*?\sAuthors?:\s*\|\s*(.*?)\s*\|.*) - last modified: r$rev - [[%SCRIPTURL{rdiff}%/$web/$topic][$date]] - $wikiusername " }% ---++ Installing Add-Ons * Download an add-on from TWiki:Plugins.AddOnPackage. * Follow the installation instructions in the add-on topic. ---++ Creating new Add-Ons * Visit TWiki:Plugins.AddOnPackageHowTo and follow the instructions. %STOPINCLUDE% __Related Topics:__ DeveloperDocumentationCategory, AdminDocumentationCategory, TWiki:TWiki.TWikiPluginsSupplement -- __Contributors:__ TWiki:Main.PeterThoeny