%META:TOPICINFO{author="TWikiContributor" date="1390792588" format="1.1" version="4"}% %IF{"istopic '%SYSTEMWEB%.WebChangesRightBox'" then="$percntINCLUDE{%SYSTEMWEB%.WebChangesRightBox}$percnt"}% ---+ Trash Web %IF{"context EcoTrashPluginEnabled" then='$percntINCLUDE{"%WEB%.WebTrashManager" section="WebHomeText"}$percnt' else='%MAKETEXT{"This is the [_1] web. Here you can find and undelete topics (including their attachments); attachments deleted from topics are in the TrashAttachment topic." args="%WEB%"}%'}% %RED% %MAKETEXT{"Security Note:"}% %ENDCOLOR% %MAKETEXT{"By default, viewing the Trash web is restricted to [_1]. If you would like to allow all users to view the Trash web, remove the =ALLOWWEBVIEW= restriction in WebPreferences." args="%USERSWEB%.TWikiAdminGroup"}% ---++ %WEB% Web Utilities * [[TrashAttachment]] - topic holding trashed attachments * [[WebSearch]] - simple search * [[WebSearchAdvanced]] - %MAKETEXT{"advanced search"}% * [[WebTopicList]] - all topics in alphabetical order * [[WebChanges]] - recent topic changes in this web * [[WebNotify]] - subscribe to an e-mail alert sent when topics change * [[WebRss]], [[WebAtom]] - RSS and ATOM news feeds of topic changes * [[WebStatistics]] - listing popular topics and top contributors * [[WebTopMenu]] - top menu definition * [[WebPreferences]] - preferences of this web