# Module of TWiki Enterprise Collaboration Platform, http://TWiki.org/ # # Copyright (C) 2000-2018 Peter Thoeny, peter[at]thoeny.org # and TWiki Contributors. All Rights Reserved. TWiki Contributors # are listed in the AUTHORS file in the root of this distribution. # NOTE: Please extend that file, not this notice. # # Additional copyrights apply to some or all of the code in this # file as follows: # # This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or # modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License # as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 3 # of the License, or (at your option) any later version. For # more details read LICENSE in the root of this distribution. # # This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. # # As per the GPL, removal of this notice is prohibited. package TWiki::Configure::Checkers::BasicSanity; use base 'TWiki::Configure::Checker'; use strict; sub new { my ($class, $item) = @_; my $this = $class->SUPER::new($item); $this->{LocalSiteDotCfg} = undef; $this->{errors} = 0; return $this; } # return true if we have fatal errors sub insane() { my $this = shift; return $this->{errors}; } sub ui { my $this = shift; my $result = ''; my $badLSC = 0; $this->{LocalSiteDotCfg} = TWiki::findFileOnPath('LocalSite.cfg'); unless ($this->{LocalSiteDotCfg}) { $this->{LocalSiteDotCfg} = TWiki::findFileOnPath('TWiki.spec') || ''; $this->{LocalSiteDotCfg} =~ s/TWiki\.spec/LocalSite.cfg/; } # Get default settings by reading .spec files require TWiki::Configure::Load; TWiki::Configure::Load::readDefaults(); $TWiki::defaultCfg = _copy( \%TWiki::cfg ); if (!$this->{LocalSiteDotCfg} ) { $this->{errors}++; $result .= <{LocalSiteDotCfg} ) { eval { TWiki::Configure::Load::readConfig(); }; if ($@) { $result .= <$@ You can continue, but configure will not pick up any of the existing settings from this file unless you correct the perl error. HERE $badLSC = 1; } elsif (!-w $this->{LocalSiteDotCfg} ) { $result .= < $this->{LocalSiteDotCfg} is not writable. You can view the configuration, but you will not be able to save. Check the file permissions. HERE } } else { # Doesn't exist (yet) my $errs = $this->checkCanCreateFile( $this->{LocalSiteDotCfg}); if ($errs) { $result .= <{LocalSiteDotCfg} does not exist, and I cannot write a new configuration file due to these errors:
You will not be able to save the password or any other configure changes. HERE $badLSC = 2; } else { $result .= <{LocalSiteDotCfg}.

This may be because this is the first time you have run configure.

If so, please specify a password below, continue to the configure screen, fill in the required paths in the "General path settings" section, click 'Next' to save, then return to configure to complete the configuration.

If you previously ran configure and saved the configuration, then please check for the existence of lib/LocalSite.cfg, and make sure the webserver user can read it. HERE $badLSC = 3; } } # If we got this far without definitions for key variables, then # we need to default them. otherwise we get peppered with # 'uninitialised variable' alerts later. foreach my $var ( 'DataDir', 'DefaultUrlHost', 'PubUrlPath', 'PubDir', 'TemplateDir', 'ScriptUrlPath', 'LocalesDir' ) { # NOT SET tells the checker to try and guess the value later on $TWiki::cfg{$var} = 'NOT SET' unless defined $TWiki::cfg{$var}; } # Make %ENV safer for CGI $TWiki::cfg{DETECTED}{originalPath} = $ENV{PATH} || ''; unless( $TWiki::cfg{SafeEnvPath} ) { # Grab the current path if( defined( $ENV{PATH} )) { $ENV{PATH} =~ /(.*)/; $TWiki::cfg{SafeEnvPath} = $1; } else { # Can't guess $TWiki::cfg{SafeEnvPath} = ''; } } $ENV{PATH} = $TWiki::cfg{SafeEnvPath}; delete $ENV{IFS}; delete $ENV{CDPATH}; delete $ENV{ENV}; delete $ENV{BASH_ENV}; if ($TWiki::cfg{'Password'} eq '' || !defined $TWiki::cfg{'Password'}) { $badLSC = 3; $result .=<[$_] )); } return \@new; } elsif (UNIVERSAL::isa($n, 'HASH')) { my %new; for ( keys %$n ) { $new{$_} = _copy( $n->{$_} ); } return \%new; } elsif (UNIVERSAL::isa($n, 'Regexp')) { return qr/$n/; } elsif (UNIVERSAL::isa($n, 'REF') || UNIVERSAL::isa($n, 'SCALAR')) { $n = _copy($$n); return \$n; } else { return $n; } } 1;