# Module of TWiki Enterprise Collaboration Platform, http://TWiki.org/ # # Copyright (C) 2001-2018 Peter Thoeny, peter[at]thoeny.org # and TWiki Contributors. All Rights Reserved. TWiki Contributors # are listed in the AUTHORS file in the root of this distribution. # NOTE: Please extend that file, not this notice. # # This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or # modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License # as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 3 # of the License, or (at your option) any later version. For # more details read LICENSE in the root of this distribution. # # This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. # # As per the GPL, removal of this notice is prohibited. package TWiki::Render; =pod ---+ package TWiki::Render This module provides most of the actual HTML rendering code in TWiki. =cut use strict; use Assert; use Error qw(:try); require TWiki::Time; # Used to generate unique placeholders for when we lift blocks out of the # text during rendering. use vars qw( $placeholderMarker ); $placeholderMarker = 0; # Used to generate unique anchors my %anchornames = (); # defaults for trunctation of summary text my $TMLTRUNC = 162; my $PLAINTRUNC = 70; my $MINTRUNC = 16; # max number of lines in a summary (best to keep it even) my $SUMMARYLINES = 6; # limiting lookbehind and lookahead for wikiwords and emphasis # use like \b #SMELL: they really limit the number of places emphasis can happen. my $STARTWW = qr/^|(?<=[\s\(])/m; my $ENDWW = qr/$|(?=[\s,.;:!?)])/m; # marker used to tage the start of a table my $TABLEMARKER = "\0\1\2TABLE\2\1\0"; # Marker used to indicate table rows that are valid header/footer rows my $TRMARK = "is\1all\1th"; BEGIN { # Do a dynamic 'use locale' for this module if( $TWiki::cfg{UseLocale} ) { require locale; import locale(); } } =pod ---++ ClassMethod new ($session) Creates a new renderer =cut sub new { my ( $class, $session ) = @_; my $this = bless( { session => $session }, $class ); return $this; } =begin twiki ---++ ObjectMethod finish() Break circular references. =cut # Note to developers; please undef *all* fields in the object explicitly, # whether they are references or not. That way this method is "golden # documentation" of the live fields in the object. sub finish { my $this = shift; undef $this->{NEWLINKFORMAT}; undef $this->{LINKTOOLTIPINFO}; undef $this->{SHOWTOPICTITLELINK}; undef $this->{LIST}; undef $this->{metaCache}; undef $this->{formDefCache}; undef $this->{session}; } sub _newLinkFormat { my $this = shift; unless( $this->{NEWLINKFORMAT} ) { $this->{NEWLINKFORMAT} = $this->{session}->{prefs}->getPreferencesValue('NEWLINKFORMAT') || '' . '$text'; } return $this->{NEWLINKFORMAT}; } =pod ---++ ObjectMethod renderParent($web, $topic, $meta, $params) -> $text Render parent meta-data =cut sub renderParent { my( $this, $web, $topic, $meta, $ah ) = @_; my $dontRecurse = $ah->{dontrecurse} || 0; my $noWebHome = $ah->{nowebhome} || 0; my $prefix = $ah->{prefix} || ''; my $suffix = $ah->{suffix} || ''; my $usesep = $ah->{separator} || ' > '; my $format = $ah->{format} || '[[$web.$topic][$topic]]'; return '' unless $web && $topic; my %visited; $visited{$web.'.'.$topic} = 1; my $pWeb = $web; my $pTopic; my $text = ''; my $parentMeta = $meta->get( 'TOPICPARENT' ); my $parent; my $store = $this->{session}->{store}; $parent = $parentMeta->{name} if $parentMeta; my @stack; while( $parent ) { ( $pWeb, $pTopic ) = $this->{session}->normalizeWebTopicName( $pWeb, $parent ); $parent = $pWeb.'.'.$pTopic; last if( $noWebHome && ( $pTopic eq $TWiki::cfg{HomeTopicName} ) || $visited{$parent} ); $visited{$parent} = 1; $text = $format; $text =~ s/\$web/$pWeb/g; $text =~ s/\$topic/$pTopic/g; unshift( @stack, $text ); last if $dontRecurse; $parent = $store->getTopicParent( $pWeb, $pTopic ); } $text = join( $usesep, @stack ); if( $text) { $text = $prefix.$text if ( $prefix ); $text .= $suffix if ( $suffix ); } return $text; } =pod ---++ ObjectMethod renderMoved($web, $topic, $meta, $params) -> $text Render moved meta-data =cut sub renderMoved { my( $this, $web, $topic, $meta, $params ) = @_; my $text = ''; my $moved = $meta->get( 'TOPICMOVED' ); $web =~ s#\.#/#go; if( $moved ) { my( $fromWeb, $fromTopic ) = $this->{session}->normalizeWebTopicName( $web, $moved->{from} ); my( $toWeb, $toTopic ) = $this->{session}->normalizeWebTopicName( $web, $moved->{to} ); my $by = $moved->{by}; my $u = $by; my $users = $this->{session}->{users}; $by = $users->webDotWikiName($u) if $u; my $date = TWiki::Time::formatTime( $moved->{date}, '', 'gmtime' ); # Only allow put back if current web and topic match stored information my $putBack = ''; if( $web eq $toWeb && $topic eq $toTopic ) { $putBack = ' - ' . '
' . '' . '' . '' . '' . '' . '
'; } $text = CGI::i( $this->{session}->i18n->maketext("[_1] moved from [_2] on [_3] by [_4]", "$toWeb.$toTopic", "$fromWeb.$fromTopic", $date, $by)) . $putBack; } return $text; } # Add a list item, of the given type and indent depth. The list item may # cause the opening or closing of lists currently being handled. sub _addListItem { my( $this, $result, $type, $element, $indent ) = @_; $indent =~ s/ /\t/g; my $depth = length( $indent ); my $size = scalar( @{$this->{LIST}} ); # The whitespaces either side of the tags are required for the # emphasis REs to work. if( $size < $depth ) { my $firstTime = 1; while( $size < $depth ) { push( @{$this->{LIST}}, { type=>$type, element=>$element } ); push @$result, ' <'.$element.">\n" unless( $firstTime ); push @$result, ' <'.$type.">\n"; $firstTime = 0; $size++; } } else { while( $size > $depth ) { my $tags = pop( @{$this->{LIST}} ); push @$result, "\n{element}.'>{type}.'> '; $size--; } if( $size ) { push @$result, "\n{LIST}->[$size-1]->{element}.'> '; } else { push @$result, "\n"; } } if ( $size ) { my $oldt = $this->{LIST}->[$size-1]; if( $oldt->{type} ne $type ) { push @$result, ' {type}.'><'.$type.">\n"; pop( @{$this->{LIST}} ); push( @{$this->{LIST}}, { type=>$type, element=>$element } ); } } } # Given that we have just seen the end of a table, work out the thead, # tbody and tfoot sections sub _addTHEADandTFOOT { my( $lines ) = @_; # scan back to the head of the table my $i = scalar( @$lines ) - 1; my @thRows; my $inFoot = 1; my $footLines = 0; my $headLines = 0; while( $i >= 0 && $lines->[$i] ne $TABLEMARKER ) { if( $lines->[$i] =~ /^\s*$/ ) { # Remove blank lines in tables; they generate spurious

's splice( @$lines, $i, 1 ); } elsif( $lines->[$i] =~ s/$TRMARK=(["'])(.*?)\1//i) { if( $2 ) { if( $inFoot ) { $footLines++; } else { $headLines++; } } else { $inFoot = 0; $headLines = 0; } } $i--; } $lines->[$i] = CGI::start_table( { class=>'twikiTable', border => 1, cellspacing => 0, cellpadding => 0 }); if( $footLines && !$headLines) { $headLines = $footLines; $footLines = 0; } if( $footLines ) { push( @$lines, ''); my $firstFoot = scalar( @$lines ) - $footLines; splice( @$lines, $firstFoot, 0, ''); } else { push( @$lines, ''); } if( $headLines ) { splice( @$lines, $i + 1 + $headLines, 0, ''); splice( @$lines, $i + 1, 0, ''); } else { splice( @$lines, $i + 1, 0, ''); } } sub _emitTR { my ( $this, $theRow ) = @_; $theRow =~ s/\t/ /g; # change tabs to space $theRow =~ s/\s*$//; # remove trailing spaces $theRow =~ s/(\|\|+)/'colspan'.$TWiki::TranslationToken.length($1).'|'/ge; # calc COLSPAN my $cells = ''; my $containsTableHeader; my $isAllTH = 1; foreach( split( /\|/, $theRow ) ) { my @attr; # Avoid matching single columns if ( s/colspan$TWiki::TranslationToken([0-9]+)//o ) { push( @attr, colspan => $1 ); } s/^\s+$/   /; my( $l1, $l2 ) = ( 0, 0 ); if( /^(\s*).*?(\s*)$/ ) { $l1 = length( $1 ); $l2 = length( $2 ); } if( $l1 >= 2 ) { if( $l2 <= 1 ) { push( @attr, align => 'right' ); } else { push( @attr, align => 'center' ); } } if( /^\s*\*(.*)\*\s*$/ ) { $cells .= CGI::th( { @attr }, CGI::strong( " $1 " ))."\n"; } else { $cells .= CGI::td( { @attr }, " $_ " )."\n"; $isAllTH = 0; } } return CGI::Tr({ $TRMARK => $isAllTH }, $cells ); } sub _fixedFontText { my( $theText, $theDoBold ) = @_; # preserve white space, so replace it by '  ' patterns $theText =~ s/\t/ /g; $theText =~ s|((?:[\s]{2})+)([^\s])|'  ' x (length($1) / 2) . $2|eg; $theText = CGI->b( $theText ) if $theDoBold; return CGI->code( $theText ); } # Build an HTML <Hn> element with suitable anchor for linking from %TOC% sub _makeAnchorHeading { my( $this, $text, $theLevel, $topic, $web ) = @_; $text =~ s/^\s*(.*?)\s*$/$1/; # - Build '


' markup # - Initial '' is needed to prevent subsequent matches. # - filter out $TWiki::regex{headerPatternNoTOC} ( '!!' and '%NOTOC%' ) my $anchorName = $this->makeUniqueAnchorName( $web, $topic, $text, 0 ); # if the generated uniqe anchor name is 'compatible', it won't change: my $compatAnchorName = $this->makeAnchorName( $anchorName, 1 ); # filter '!!', '%NOTOC%' $text =~ s/$TWiki::regex{headerPatternNoTOC}//o; my $html = ''; $html .= CGI::a( { name => $anchorName }, '' ); if( $compatAnchorName ne $anchorName ) { $compatAnchorName = $this->makeUniqueAnchorName( $web, $topic, $anchorName, 1 ); $html .= CGI::a( { name => $compatAnchorName }, ''); } $html .= ' '.$text.' '; return $html; } =pod ---++ StaticMethod chompUtf8Fragment($str) -> $str String truncation may happen in the middle of a UTF-8 byte sequence. This function gets rid of the truncated fragment. =cut sub chompUtf8Fragment { my $str = shift; $str =~ /^((?: [\x00-\x7e] | [\xc2-\xdf][\x80-\xbf] | [\xe0-\xef][\x80-\xbf]{2} | [\xf0-\xf7][\x80-\xbf]{3} )+)/x; $str = $1; return defined($str) ? $str : '_'; } =pod ---++ ObjectMethod makeAnchorName($anchorName, $compatibilityMode) -> $anchorName * =$anchorName= - the unprocessed anchor name * =$compatibilityMode= - SMELL: compatibility with *what*?? Who knows. :-( Build a valid HTML anchor name =cut sub makeAnchorName { my( $this, $anchorName, $compatibilityMode ) = @_; if( !$compatibilityMode && $anchorName =~ /^$TWiki::regex{anchorRegex}$/ ) { # accept, already valid -- just remove leading # return substr($anchorName, 1); } # strip out potential links so they don't get rendered. # remove double bracket link $anchorName =~ s/\[(?:\[.*?\])?\[(.*?)\]\s*\]/$1/g; # add an _ before bare WikiWords $anchorName =~ s/($TWiki::regex{wikiWordRegex})/_$1/go; if( $compatibilityMode ) { # remove leading/trailing underscores first, allowing them to be # reintroduced $anchorName =~ s/^[\s#_]*//; $anchorName =~ s/[\s_]*$//; } $anchorName =~ s/<\/?[a-zA-Z][^>]*>//gi; # remove HTML tags $anchorName =~ s/&#?[a-zA-Z0-9]+;//g; # remove HTML entities $anchorName =~ s/&//g; # remove & # filter TOC excludes if not at beginning $anchorName =~ s/^(.+?)\s*$TWiki::regex{headerPatternNoTOC}.*/$1/o; # filter '!!', '%NOTOC%' $anchorName =~ s/$TWiki::regex{headerPatternNoTOC}//o; # For most common alphabetic-only character encodings (i.e. iso-8859-*), # remove non-alpha characters if( !defined($TWiki::cfg{Site}{CharSet}) || $TWiki::cfg{Site}{CharSet} =~ /^iso-?8859-?/i ) { $anchorName =~ s/[^$TWiki::regex{mixedAlphaNum}]+/_/g; } elsif ( $TWiki::cfg{Site}{CharSet} =~ /^utf.*8$|euc/i ) { $anchorName =~ s/[\x00-\x2f\x3a-\x40\x5b-\x60\x7b-\x7f]+/_/g; } $anchorName =~ s/__+/_/g; # remove excessive '_' chars if ( !$compatibilityMode ) { $anchorName =~ s/^[\s#_]+//; # no leading space nor '#', '_' } $anchorName =~ s/^(.{32})(.*)$/$1/; # limit to 32 chars if ( defined($TWiki::cfg{Site}{CharSet}) && $TWiki::cfg{Site}{CharSet} =~ /^utf.*8/i ) { $anchorName = chompUtf8Fragment($anchorName); } if ( !$compatibilityMode ) { $anchorName =~ s/[\s_]+$//; # no trailing space, nor '_' } # No need to encode 8-bit characters in anchor due to UTF-8 URL support return $anchorName; } # dispose of the set of known unique anchornames in order to inhibit the # 'relabeling' of anchor names if the same topic is processed more than once, # cf. explanation in TWiki::handleCommonTags() sub _eraseAnchorNameMemory { %anchornames = (); } =pod ---++ ObjectMethod makeUniqueAnchorName($web, $topic, $anchorName, $compatibility) -> $anchorName * =$anchorName= - the unprocessed anchor name * =$compatibilityMode= - SMELL: compatibility with *what*?? Who knows. :-( Build a valid HTML anchor name (unique w.r.t. the list stored in %anchornames) =cut sub makeUniqueAnchorName { my( $this, $web, $topic, $text, $compatibilityMode ) = @_; $web = '' if (!defined($web)); $topic = '' if (!defined($topic)); my $anchorName = $this->makeAnchorName( $text, $compatibilityMode ); # ensure that the generated anchor name is unique my $cnt = 1; my $prefix = $web . '.' . $topic . '#'; my $suffix = ''; while (exists $anchornames{$prefix . $anchorName . $suffix}) { # $anchorName.$suffix must _always_ be 'compatible', or things would get complicated $suffix = '_AN' . $cnt++; # limit resulting name to 32 chars $anchorName = substr($anchorName, 0, 32 - length($suffix)); # a UTF-8 character sequence might be truncated in the middle if ( defined($TWiki::cfg{Site}{CharSet}) && $TWiki::cfg{Site}{CharSet} =~ /^utf.*8/i ) { $anchorName = chompUtf8Fragment($anchorName); } # this is only needed because '__' would not be 'compatible' $anchorName =~ s/_+$//g; } $anchorName .= $suffix; $anchornames{$prefix . $anchorName} = 1; return $anchorName; } # Returns =title='...'= tooltip info in case LINKTOOLTIPINFO perferences variable is set. # Warning: Slower performance if enabled. sub _linkToolTipInfo { my( $this, $theWeb, $theTopic ) = @_; unless( defined( $this->{LINKTOOLTIPINFO} )) { $this->{LINKTOOLTIPINFO} = $this->{session}->{prefs}->getPreferencesValue('LINKTOOLTIPINFO') || ''; $this->{LINKTOOLTIPINFO} = '$username - $date - r$rev: $summary' if( 'on' eq lc($this->{LINKTOOLTIPINFO}) ); } return '' unless( $this->{LINKTOOLTIPINFO} ); return '' if( $this->{LINKTOOLTIPINFO} =~ /^off$/i ); return '' unless( $this->{session}->inContext( 'view' )); # FIXME: This is slow, it can be improved by caching topic rev info and summary my $store = $this->{session}->{store}; my $users = $this->{session}->{users}; # SMELL: we ought not to have to fake this. Topic object model, please!! require TWiki::Meta; my $meta = new TWiki::Meta( $this->{session}, $theWeb, $theTopic ); my( $date, $user, $rev ) = $meta->getRevisionInfo(); my $text = $this->{LINKTOOLTIPINFO}; $text =~ s/\$web/$theWeb/g; $text =~ s/\$topic/$theTopic/g; $text =~ s/\$rev/1.$rev/g; $text =~ s/\$date/TWiki::Time::formatTime( $date )/ge; $text =~ s/\$username/$users->getLoginName($user)||'unknown'/ge; # 'jsmith' $text =~ s/\$wikiname/$users->getWikiName($user)||'UnknownUser'/ge; # 'JohnSmith' $text =~ s/\$wikiusername/$users->webDotWikiName($user)||$TWiki::cfg{UsersWebName}.'UnknownUser'/ge; # 'Main.JohnSmith' if( $text =~ /\$summary/ ) { my $summary = $store->readTopicRaw( undef, $theWeb, $theTopic, undef ); $summary = $this->makeTopicSummary( $summary, $theTopic, $theWeb ); $summary =~ s/[\"\']//g; # remove quotes (not allowed in title attribute) $text =~ s/\$summary/$summary/g; } return $text; } # Returns topic meta object, either from cache or from file sub _getTopicMeta { my( $this, $theWeb, $theTopic, $theRev ) = @_; $theRev ||= ''; my $meta = $this->{metaCache}{"$theWeb.$theTopic;$theRev"}; return $meta if ( $meta ); try { my $store = $this->{session}->{store}; my $dummyText; ( $meta, $dummyText ) = $store->readTopic( $this->{session}->{user}, $theWeb, $theTopic, $theRev ); $this->{metaCache}{"$theWeb.$theTopic;$theRev"} = $meta; } catch TWiki::AccessControlException with { # Ignore access exceptions; just don't read the data. my $e = shift; $this->{session}->writeWarning( "Attempt to read meta data failed: ".$e->stringify() ); }; return $meta; } # Returns topic title if force is on or if SHOWTOPICTITLELINK # preferences setting is set. # Warning: Slower performance if SHOWTOPICTITLELINK enabled. sub _getTopicTitle { my( $this, $web, $topic, $link, $force ) = @_; unless( defined( $this->{SHOWTOPICTITLELINK} )) { $this->{SHOWTOPICTITLELINK} = TWiki::isTrue( $this->{session}->{prefs}->getPreferencesValue('SHOWTOPICTITLELINK') ); } return $link unless( $this->{SHOWTOPICTITLELINK} || $force ); return $link unless( $this->{session}->inContext( 'view' )); my $meta = $this->_getTopicMeta( $web, $topic ); return $meta->topicTitle() if( $meta ); return $link; } =pod ---++ ObjectMethod internalLink ( $theWeb, $theTopic, $theLinkText, $theAnchor, $doLink, $doKeepWeb, $hasExplicitLinkLabel, $theParams ) -> $html Generate a link. Note: Topic names may be spaced out. Spaced out names are converted to WikWords, for example, "spaced topic name" points to "SpacedTopicName". * =$theWeb= - the web containing the topic * =$theTopic= - the topic to be link * =$theLinkText= - text to use for the link * =$theAnchor= - the link anchor, if any * =$doLinkToMissingPages= - boolean: false means suppress link for non-existing pages * =$doKeepWeb= - boolean: true to keep web prefix (for non existing Web.TOPIC) * =$hasExplicitLinkLabel= - boolean: true in case of [[TopicName][explicit link label]] * =$theParams= - the URL parameters specified by ?name1=value1;name2=valu2;... excluding the leading ?. This is added as per Item7505. This parameter's natural position is before =$theAnchor=. But to minimize code changes, it's introduced as the laster one Called by _handleWikiWord and _handleSquareBracketedLink and by Func::internalLink Calls _renderWikiWord, which in turn will use Plurals.pm to match fold plurals to equivalency with their singular form SMELL: why is this available to Func? =cut sub internalLink { my( $this, $theWeb, $theTopic, $theLinkText, $theAnchor, $doLinkToMissingPages, $doKeepWeb, $hasExplicitLinkLabel, $theParams ) = @_; # SMELL - shouldn't it be callable by TWiki::Func as well? #PN: Webname/Subweb/ -> Webname/Subweb $theWeb =~ s/\/\Z//o; if($theLinkText eq $theWeb) { $theLinkText =~ s/\//\./go; } #WebHome links to tother webs render as the WebName if (($theLinkText eq $TWiki::cfg{HomeTopicName}) && ($theWeb ne $this->{session}->{webName})) { $theLinkText = $theWeb; } # Get rid of leading/trailing spaces in topic name $theTopic =~ s/^\s*//o; $theTopic =~ s/\s*$//o; # Allow spacing out, etc. # Plugin authors use $hasExplicitLinkLabel to determine if the link label # should be rendered differently even if the topic author has used a # specific link label. $theLinkText = $this->{session}->{plugins}->dispatch( 'renderWikiWordHandler', $theLinkText, $hasExplicitLinkLabel, $theWeb, $theTopic ) || $theLinkText; # Turn spaced-out names into WikiWords - upper case first letter of # whole link, and first of each word. TODO: Try to turn this off, # avoiding spaces being stripped elsewhere $theTopic =~ s/^(.)/\U$1/; $theTopic =~ s/\s([$TWiki::regex{mixedAlphaNum}])/\U$1/go; # Add before WikiWord inside link text to prevent double links $theLinkText =~ s/(?<=[\s\(])([$TWiki::regex{upperAlpha}])/$1/go; return _renderWikiWord($this, $theWeb, $theTopic, $theLinkText, $theAnchor, $doLinkToMissingPages, $doKeepWeb, $theParams); } # TODO: this should be overridable by plugins. sub _renderWikiWord { my ($this, $theWeb, $theTopic, $theLinkText, $theAnchor, $doLinkToMissingPages, $doKeepWeb, $theParams) = @_; my $store = $this->{session}->{store}; my $topicExists = $store->topicExists( $theWeb, $theTopic ); if ( !$topicExists && $store->webExists( $theWeb.'/'.$theTopic ) ) { $theWeb .= '/'.$theTopic; $theTopic = $TWiki::cfg{HomeTopicName}; $topicExists = $store->topicExists( $theWeb, $theTopic ); } my $singular = ''; unless( $topicExists ) { # topic not found - try to singularise require TWiki::Plurals; $singular = TWiki::Plurals::singularForm($theWeb, $theTopic); if( $singular ) { $topicExists = $store->topicExists( $theWeb, $singular ); $theTopic = $singular if( $topicExists ); } } if( $topicExists ) { return _renderExistingWikiWord( $this, $theWeb, $theTopic, $theLinkText, $theAnchor, $theParams ); } if( $doLinkToMissingPages ) { # CDot: disabled until SuggestSingularNotPlural is resolved # if ($singular && $singular ne $theTopic) { # #unshift( @topics, $singular); # } return _renderNonExistingWikiWord($this, $theWeb, $theTopic, $theLinkText ); } if( $doKeepWeb ) { return $theWeb.'.'.$theLinkText; } return $theLinkText; } sub _renderExistingWikiWord { my ($this, $web, $topic, $text, $anchor, $params) = @_; my $currentWebHome = ''; $currentWebHome = 'twikiCurrentWebHomeLink ' if (($web eq $this->{session}->{webName}) && ($topic eq $TWiki::cfg{HomeTopicName} )); my $currentTopic = ''; $currentTopic = 'twikiCurrentTopicLink ' if (($web eq $this->{session}->{webName}) && ($topic eq $this->{session}->{topicName})); my @attrs; my $href = $this->{session}->getScriptUrl( 0, 'view', $web, $topic ); if ( $params ) { $href .= '?' . $params; } if( $anchor ) { $anchor = $this->makeAnchorName( $anchor ); push( @attrs, class => $currentTopic.$currentWebHome.'twikiAnchorLink', href => $href.'#'.$anchor ); } else { push( @attrs, class => $currentTopic.$currentWebHome.'twikiLink', href => $href ); } my $tooltip = _linkToolTipInfo( $this, $web, $topic ); push( @attrs, title => $tooltip ) if( $tooltip ); my $link = CGI::a( { @attrs }, $text ); # When we pass the tooltip text to CGI::a it may contain # s, and CGI::a will convert the < to <. This is a # basic problem with . $link =~ s/<nop>//g; return $link; } sub _renderNonExistingWikiWord { my ($this, $web, $topic, $text) = @_; my $ans = $this->_newLinkFormat; $ans =~ s/\$web/$web/g; $ans =~ s/\$topic/$topic/g; $ans =~ s/\$text/$text/g; $ans =~ s/\$summary/$this->TML2PlainText( $text, $web, $topic, 'entityencode')/ge; $ans = $this->{session}->handleCommonTags( $ans, $this->{session}{webName}, $this->{session}{topicName} ); return $ans; } # _handleWikiWord is called by the TWiki Render routine when it sees a # wiki word that needs linking. # Handle the various link constructions. e.g.: # WikiWord # Web.WikiWord # Web.WikiWord#anchor # # This routine adds missing parameters before passing off to internallink sub _handleWikiWord { my ( $this, $theWeb, $web, $topic, $anchor ) = @_; my $linkIfAbsent = 1; my $keepWeb = 0; my $text; $web = $theWeb unless (defined($web)); if( defined( $anchor )) { ASSERT(($anchor =~ m/\#.*/)) if DEBUG; # must include a hash. } else { $anchor = '' ; } if ( defined( $anchor ) ) { # 'Web.TopicName#anchor' or 'Web.ABBREV#anchor' link $text = $topic.$anchor; } else { $anchor = ''; # 'Web.TopicName' or 'Web.ABBREV' link: if ( $topic eq $TWiki::cfg{HomeTopicName} && $web ne $this->{session}->{webName} ) { $text = $web; } else { $text = $topic; } } # =$doKeepWeb= boolean: true to keep web prefix (for non existing Web.TOPIC) # (Necessary to leave "web part" of ABR.ABR.ABR intact if topic not found) $keepWeb = ( $topic =~ /^$TWiki::regex{abbrevRegex}$/o && $web ne $this->{session}->{webName} ); # false means suppress link for non-existing pages $linkIfAbsent = ( $topic !~ /^$TWiki::regex{abbrevRegex}$/o ); # SMELL - it seems $linkIfAbsent, $keepWeb are always inverses of each # other # TODO: check the spec of doKeepWeb vs $doLinkToMissingPages return $this->internalLink( $web, $topic, $text, $anchor, $linkIfAbsent, $keepWeb, undef ); } sub _getNameFromLink { my $link = shift; my $name = $link; $name =~ s/$TWiki::regex{anchorRegex}$//; $name =~ s/\?.*$//; $name =~ s:/+$::; my @path = split(m:/+:, $name); $name = $path[-1]; $name = $link if ( $name eq '' ); #the last resort return $name; } # Handle SquareBracketed links mentioned on page $theWeb.$theTopic # format: [[$link]] # format: [[$link][$text]] sub _handleSquareBracketedLink { my( $this, $web, $topic, $link, $text ) = @_; # Strip leading/trailing spaces $link =~ s/^\s+//; $link =~ s/\s+$//; my $hasExplicitLinkLabel = $text ? 1 : undef; # Explicit external [[$link][$text]]-style can be handled directly if( $link =~ m!^($TWiki::regex{linkProtocolPattern}\:|/)! ) { if (defined $text) { # [[][]] style - protect text: # for [[...][$name]] $text =~ s/\$name\b/_getNameFromLink($link)/ge; # Prevent automatic WikiWord or CAPWORD linking in explicit links $text =~ s/(?<=[\s\(])($TWiki::regex{wikiWordRegex}|[$TWiki::regex{upperAlpha}])/$1/go; } else { # [[]] style - take care for legacy: # Prepare special case of '[[URL#anchor display text]]' link if ( $link =~ /^(\S+)\s+(.*)$/ ) { # '[[URL#anchor display text]]' link: $link = $1; $text = $2; $text =~ s/(?<=[\s\(])($TWiki::regex{wikiWordRegex}|[$TWiki::regex{upperAlpha}])/$1/go; } } return _externalLink( $this, $link, $text ); } # Extract '#anchor' my $origLink = $link; my $anchor = ''; if( $link =~ s/($TWiki::regex{anchorRegex}$)// ) { $anchor = $1; } my $forceTopicTitle = 0; if( $link =~ s/^\+// ) { # [[+WikiWord]] link $forceTopicTitle = 1; } # Item7505: Extract '?parameter' my $params; if ( $link =~ s/\?(.*)$// ) { $params = $1; } $link = $this->buildWikiWord( $link ); $topic = $link if( $link ); # Topic defaults to the current topic ($web, $topic) = $this->{session}->normalizeWebTopicName( $web, $topic ); if( $text ) { $text =~ s/\$name\b/$topic/g; $text =~ s/\$topictitle/$this->_getTopicTitle( $web, $topic, $origLink, 1 )/geo; } else { $text = $this->_getTopicTitle( $web, $topic, $origLink, $forceTopicTitle ); } return $this->internalLink( $web, $topic, $text, $anchor, 1, undef, $hasExplicitLinkLabel, $params ); } # Converts arbitrary text to a WikiWord sub buildWikiWord { my( $this, $link ) = @_; # filter out &any; entities (legacy) $link =~ s/\&[a-z]+\;//gi; # filter out { entities (legacy) $link =~ s/\&\#[0-9]+\;//g; # Filter junk $link =~ s/$TWiki::cfg{NameFilter}+/ /g; # Capitalise first word $link =~ s/^(.)/\U$1/; # Collapse spaces and capitalise following letter $link =~ s/\s([$TWiki::regex{mixedAlphaNum}])/\U$1/go; # Get rid of remaining spaces, i.e. spaces in front of -'s and ('s $link =~ s/\s//go; return $link; } sub _readTopicTable { my( $this, $webTopic, $defaultWeb ) = @_; if( $webTopic =~ /%/ ) { $webTopic = TWiki::Func::expandCommonVariables( $webTopic, $defaultWeb ); } my( $web, $topic ) = TWiki::Func::normalizeWebTopicName( $defaultWeb, $webTopic ); my $wikiName = TWiki::Func::getWikiName(); my( $meta, $text ) = TWiki::Func::readTopic( $web, $topic ); my @result; if( TWiki::Func::checkAccessPermission( 'VIEW', $wikiName, $text, $topic, $web, $meta ) ) { if( defined $text && $text ne '' ) { while( $text =~ /^\s*\|(.*?)\|(?:.*\|)?\s*$/mg ) { ( my $name = $1 ) =~ s/^\s+|\s+$//g; next if $name =~ /^\*.*\*$/; # exclude "| *Text* |" push @result, $name; } } else { TWiki::Func::writeWarning( "$webTopic cannot be read" ); } } else { TWiki::Func::writeWarning( "$webTopic is not accessible for user $wikiName" ); } return @result; } sub _isInternalLinkDomain { my( $this, $url ) = @_; # TWiki internal link if URL starts with TWiki domain or "/" my $urlHostRegex = quotemeta( $this->{session}{urlHost} ); return 1 if $url =~ /^($urlHostRegex|\/)/; # Item7191: Check $TWiki::cfg{Links}{InternalLinkDomains} if( $url =~ m!^$TWiki::regex{linkProtocolPattern}://([^/]+)! ) { my $domain = $2; # $1 is the protocol part $domain =~ s/:.*//; # Remove any port number unless( defined $this->{_internalDomainRegex} ) { my @targets = ( { defaultWeb => $TWiki::cfg{SystemWebName}, value => $TWiki::cfg{Links}{InternalLinkDomains} }, { defaultWeb => $this->{session}{SESSION_TAGS}{BASEWEB}, value => $this->{session}{prefs}->getPreferencesValue( 'INTERNALLINKDOMAINS' ) }, ); my @patterns; for my $target ( @targets ) { next if !$target->{value}; my $defaultWeb = $target->{defaultWeb}; for my $entry ( split( /\s*,\s*/, $target->{value} ) ) { $entry =~ s/^\s+|\s+$//g; next if $entry eq ''; my @entries; if( $entry =~ /^topic:(.*)/ ) { @entries = $this->_readTopicTable( $1, $defaultWeb ); } else { @entries = ( $entry ); } # Case 1: $domain is '.': intranet "one-word" domain # Case 2: $domain starts with '.': subdomains under $domain # Case 3: otherwise: $domain (no subdomains) push @patterns, map { my $domain = $_; $domain eq '.' ? '^[^\.]+$' : ( $domain =~ /^\./ ? '' : '^' ).quotemeta( $domain ).'$' } @entries; } } if( @patterns ) { $this->{_internalDomainRegex} = '('.join( '|', @patterns ).')'; } else { $this->{_internalDomainRegex} = ''; } } if( $this->{_internalDomainRegex} ) { return 1 if $domain =~ /$this->{_internalDomainRegex}/; } } return 0; } # Handle an external link typed directly into text. If it's an image # (as indicated by the file type), and no text is specified, then use # an img tag, otherwise generate a link. sub _externalLink { my( $this, $url, $text ) = @_; if( $url =~ /^[^?]*\.(gif|jpg|jpeg|png)$/i && !$text) { my $filename = $url; $filename =~ s@.*/([^/]*)@$1@go; return CGI::img( { src => $url, alt => $filename } ); } my $prefs = $this->{session}{prefs}; my $externalLinksInNewWindow = $TWiki::cfg{Links}{ExternalLinksInNewWindow}; if( defined( my $prefValue = $prefs->getPreferencesValue( 'EXTERNALLINKSINNEWWINDOW' ) ) ) { $externalLinksInNewWindow = TWiki::isTrue( $prefValue ) if $prefValue ne ''; } my $externalLinksIcon = $TWiki::cfg{Links}{ExternalLinksIcon}; if( defined( my $prefValue = $prefs->getPreferencesValue( 'EXTERNALLINKSICON' ) ) ) { $externalLinksIcon = TWiki::isTrue( $prefValue ) if $prefValue ne ''; } my $opt = ''; my $icn = ''; if( $url =~ /^mailto:/i ) { my $twiki = $this->{session}; if( $TWiki::cfg{AntiSpam}{EmailGuestPadding} && !$twiki->inContext( 'authenticated' ) ) { $url =~ s/(\@[\w\_\-\+]+)(\.)/$1$TWiki::cfg{AntiSpam}{EmailGuestPadding}$2/; if ($text) { $text =~ s/(\@[\w\_\-\+]+)(\.)/$1$TWiki::cfg{AntiSpam}{EmailGuestPadding}$2/; } } elsif( $TWiki::cfg{AntiSpam}{EmailPadding} ) { $url =~ s/(\@[\w\_\-\+]+)(\.)/$1$TWiki::cfg{AntiSpam}{EmailPadding}$2/; if ($text) { $text =~ s/(\@[\w\_\-\+]+)(\.)/$1$TWiki::cfg{AntiSpam}{EmailPadding}$2/; } } if( $TWiki::cfg{AntiSpam}{HideUserDetails} ) { # Much harder obfuscation scheme. For link text we only encode '@' # See also Item2928 and Item3430 before touching this $url =~ s/(\W)/'&#'.ord($1).';'/ge; if ($text) { $text =~ s/\@/'&#'.ord('@').';'/ge; } } } elsif( $this->_isInternalLinkDomain( $url ) ) { # TWiki internal link if URL is under an internal domain $opt = ' target="_top"'; } else { # External link if( $externalLinksInNewWindow ) { $opt = ' target="_blank"'; } else { $opt = ' target="_top"'; } if( $externalLinksIcon ) { unless( $this->{externalIcon} ) { $this->{externalIcon} = CGI::img( { src => "$TWiki::cfg{PubUrlPath}/$TWiki::cfg{SystemWebName}" . "/TWikiDocGraphics/external-link.gif", alt => '', width => 13, height => 12, border => 0 } ); } $icn = $this->{externalIcon}; } } $text ||= $url; $url =~ s/ /%20/g; #Item5787: if a url has spaces, escape them so the url has less chance of being broken by later parsing. # SMELL: Can't use CGI::a here, because it encodes ampersands in # the link, and those have already been encoded once in the # rendering loop (they are identified as "stand-alone"). One # encoding works; two is too many. None would be better for everyone! return "$text$icn"; } # Generate a "mailTo" link sub _mailLink { my( $this, $text ) = @_; my $url = $text; $url = 'mailto:'.$url unless $url =~ /^mailto:/i; return _externalLink( $this, $url, $text ); } # Generate a "@twitter" link sub _twitterLink { my( $this, $text ) = @_; my $url = $TWiki::cfg{Links}{TwitterUrlPattern}; return( '@' . $text ) unless( $url ); $url =~ s/\%ID\%/$text/go; return _externalLink( $this, $url, '@' . $text ); } =pod ---++ ObjectMethod renderFORM ( %params, $topic, $web ) -> $tml Returns TML of a TWiki Form, based on %FORM{}% variable. =cut sub renderFORM { my ( $this, $params, $topic, $web ) = @_; my @fieldList = split( /, */, $params->{formfields} || 'all' ); my $vWeb = $params->{web} || $web; my $vTopic = $params->{topic}|| $params->{_DEFAULT} || $topic; my $default = $params->{default} || ''; my $rev = $params->{rev}; if( $rev ) { $rev = $this->{session}{store}->cleanUpRevID($rev); } my $format = $params->{format} || '| $title: | $value |'; my $newLine = $params->{newline}; if( defined $newLine ) { $newLine =~ s/\$br\b/
/go; $newLine =~ s/\$n\b/\n/go; } elsif( $format =~ /^ *\|/ ) { # TML table, so use br tag for newlines by default $newLine = '
'; } else { $newLine = "\n"; } my $separator = $params->{separator} || "\n"; my $header = $params->{header} || '1'; $header = '| *[[$formweb.$formtopic][$formtopic]]* ||' if( $header =~ /^(on|1)$/ ); my $showHidden = $params->{showhidden}; my $encodeType = $params->{encode} || ''; my $session = $this->{session}; ( $vWeb, $vTopic ) = $session->normalizeWebTopicName( $web, $vTopic ); my $meta = $this->_getTopicMeta( $vWeb, $vTopic, $rev ); return $default unless( $meta && $meta->get( 'FORM' ) ); # no form on topic my $formWeb = $vWeb; my $formTopic = $meta->get( 'FORM' )->{name}; ( $formWeb, $formTopic ) = $session->normalizeWebTopicName( $formWeb, $formTopic ); my $formDef = $this->{formDefCache}{"$formWeb.$formTopic"}; if( !$formDef && $session->{store}->topicExists( $formWeb, $formTopic ) ) { require TWiki::Form; $formDef = new TWiki::Form( $session, $formWeb, $formTopic ); $this->{formDefCache}{"$formWeb.$formTopic"} = $formDef; } my @lines = (); unless( $header eq 'none' ) { $header =~ s/\$formweb/$formWeb/go; $header =~ s/\$formtopic/$formTopic/go; @lines = ( $header ); } my @fields = $meta->find( 'FIELD' ); my %seen; my $attrs = { showhidden => 1, encode => $encodeType, newline => $newLine }; if( $formDef ) { # get all attributes from form definition, except for value @fieldList = map { if( /^all$/ ) { map { $_->{name} } @{$formDef->{fields}} } else { $_ } } @fieldList; # fieldList may contain duplicates that need to be filtered out foreach my $name ( @fieldList ) { my $field = $formDef->getField( $name ); if( $field && !$seen{$field} && ( $field->{attributes} !~ /H/ || $showHidden ) ) { $seen{$field} = 1; my $title = $field->{title} || $name; my $attributes = $field->{attributes} || ''; my $text = $format; my @a = map { $_->{value} } grep { $_->{name} eq $name } @fields; my $value = ''; $value = $a[0] if( scalar @a ); my $length = length $value; $text =~ s/\$length/$length/go; $text =~ s/\$size/$field->{size}/go; $text =~ s/\$formweb/$formWeb/go; $text =~ s/\$formtopic/$formTopic/go; if( $text =~ s/(\$value)\(\s*([^\)]*)\)/$1/go ) { $attrs->{break} = $2; } else { undef $attrs->{break}; } $text = $field->renderForDisplay( $text, $value, $attrs ); push( @lines, $text ); } } } else { # topic has a form but form definition is unavailable. # do the best to render form without form definition topic. @fieldList = map { if( /^all$/ ) { map { $_->{name} } @fields } else { $_ } } @fieldList; # fieldList may contain duplicates that need to be filtered out foreach my $name ( @fieldList ) { my $field = $meta->get( 'FIELD', $name ); if( $field && !$seen{$field} && ( $field->{attributes} !~ /H/ || $showHidden ) ) { $seen{$field} = 1; my $title = $field->{title} || $name; my $attributes = $field->{attributes} || ''; my $text = $format; if( $text =~ s/(\$value)\(\s*([^\)]*)\)/$1/go ) { $attrs->{break} = $2; } else { undef $attrs->{break}; } my $value = TWiki::Render::protectFormFieldValue( $field->{value}, $attrs ); my $length = length $value; $text =~ s/\$length/$length/go; $text =~ s/\$size/1/go; # fake it $text =~ s/\$attributes/$attributes/go; $text =~ s/\$type/unknown/go; $text =~ s/\$formweb/$formWeb/go; $text =~ s/\$formtopic/$formTopic/go; $text =~ s/\$tooltip//go; $text =~ s/\$title/$title/go; $text =~ s/\$name/$name/go; $text =~ s/\$value/$value/go; push( @lines, $text ); } } } return $default unless( scalar keys %seen ); # no wanted fields found $separator =~ s/\$br\b/
/go; $separator =~ s/\$n\b/\n/go; return join( $separator, @lines ); } =pod ---++ ObjectMethod renderFORMFIELD ( %params, $topic, $web ) -> $html Returns the fully rendered expansion of a %FORMFIELD{}% tag. =cut sub renderFORMFIELD { my ( $this, $params, $topic, $web ) = @_; my $formField = $params->{_DEFAULT}; my $formTopic = $params->{topic}; my $altText = $params->{alttext}; my $default = $params->{default}; my $rev = $params->{rev}; if ( $rev ) { $rev = $this->{session}{store}->cleanUpRevID($rev); } my $format = $params->{format} || '$value'; my $encode = $params->{encode} || ''; my $newLine = $params->{newline}; my $formWeb; if ( $formTopic ) { if ($topic =~ /^([^.]+)\.([^.]+)/o) { ( $formWeb, $topic ) = ( $1, $2 ); } else { # SMELL: Undocumented feature, 'web' parameter $formWeb = $params->{web}; } $formWeb = $web unless $formWeb; } else { $formWeb = $web; $formTopic = $topic; } my $meta = $this->_getTopicMeta( $formWeb, $formTopic, $rev ); my $text = ''; my $found = 0; my $title = ''; if ( $meta ) { my @fields = $meta->find( 'FIELD' ); foreach my $field ( @fields ) { my $name = $field->{name}; $title = $field->{title} || $name; if( $title eq $formField || $name eq $formField ) { $found = 1; my $value = $field->{value}; my $length = length $value; if( $length || $format ne '$value' ) { $text = $format; $text =~ s/\$length/$length/go; $text =~ s/\$attributes/$field->{attributes}/go; $text =~ s/\$formtopic/$meta->get( 'FORM' )->{name}/geo; $text =~ s/\$title/$title/go; # Item6267: Keep $title in value $text =~ s/\$name/$name/go; $text =~ s/\$value\(\s*([^\)]*)\s*\)/breakName( $value, $1 )/ges; $text =~ s/\$value/$value/go; } elsif ( defined $default ) { $text = $default; } last; #one hit suffices } } } unless ( $found ) { $text = $altText || ''; } if( defined $newLine ) { $newLine =~ s/\$br\b/\0-br-\0/go; $newLine =~ s/\$n\b/\0-n-\0/go; $text =~ s/\r?\n/$newLine/go; } if( $encode ) { $text = $this->{session}->ENCODE( { _DEFAULT => $text, type => $encode } ); } if( defined $newLine ) { $text =~ s/\0-br-\0/
/go; $text =~ s/\0-n-\0/\n/go; } return $text; } =pod ---++ ObjectMethod renderEDITFORM ( %params, $topic, $web ) -> $tml Returns TML of a TWiki Form, based on %EDITFORM{}% variable. =cut sub renderEDITFORM { my ( $this, $params, $topic, $web ) = @_; my $vWeb = $params->{web} || $web; my $vTopic = $params->{topic}|| $params->{_DEFAULT} || $topic; my $formTemplate = $params->{formtemplate} || ''; my @elementList = split( /, */, $params->{elements} || 'formstart, header, formfields, submit, hiddenfields, formend' ); my $header = $params->{header} || '1'; $header = '| *[[$formweb.$formtopic][$formtopic]]* ||' if( $header =~ /^(on|1)$/ ); my @fieldList = split( /, */, $params->{formfields} || 'all' ); my $format = $params->{format} || '| $title: $extra | $inputfield |'; my @hiddenList = split( /, */, $params->{hiddenfields} || '' ); my $submit = $params->{submit} || '| | $submit |'; my $onsubmit = $params->{onsubmit} || ''; my $action = $params->{action} || 'save'; my $method = $params->{method} || 'get'; $method = 'post' if( $action eq 'save' ); my $separator = $params->{separator} || "\n"; my $default = $params->{default} || ''; my $session = $this->{session}; # get topic meta data ( $vWeb, $vTopic ) = $session->normalizeWebTopicName( $web, $vTopic ); my $meta = $this->_getTopicMeta( $vWeb, $vTopic ); my $metaFormName = $meta && $meta->get( 'FORM' ) && $meta->get( 'FORM' )->{name}; # get form definition my $formWeb = $web; my $formTopic = $formTemplate || $metaFormName; return $default unless( $formTopic ); # no form on topic and no form template ( $formWeb, $formTopic ) = $session->normalizeWebTopicName( $formWeb, $formTopic ); my $formDef = $this->{formDefCache}{"$formWeb.$formTopic"}; if( !$formDef && $session->{store}->topicExists( $formWeb, $formTopic ) ) { require TWiki::Form; $formDef = new TWiki::Form( $session, $formWeb, $formTopic ); $this->{formDefCache}{"$formWeb.$formTopic"} = $formDef; } return $default unless( $formDef ); # no form definition found # loop through element list to compose the form my @lines = (); foreach my $element ( @elementList ) { if( $element eq 'formstart' ) { if( $action =~ /^[a-z_-]+$/i ) { $action = $session->getScriptUrl( 0, $action, $vWeb, $vTopic ); } # else use full action URL verbatim my $html = "
{onsubmit} . '"' if( $params->{onsubmit} ); $html .= ' onreset="' . $params->{onreset} . '"' if( $params->{onreset} ); $html .= '>'; push( @lines, $html ); } elsif( $element eq 'header' ) { $header =~ s/\$formweb/$formWeb/go; $header =~ s/\$formtopic/$formTopic/go; push( @lines, $header ); } elsif( $element eq 'formfields' ) { # get all attributes from form definition, except for value @fieldList = map { if( /^all$/ ) { map { $_->{name} } @{$formDef->{fields}} } else { $_ } } @fieldList; # fieldList may contain duplicates that need to be filtered out my %seen; my @fields = $meta->find( 'FIELD' ); my $attrs = { showhidden => 1 }; foreach my $name ( @fieldList ) { my $field = $formDef->getField( $name ); if( $field && !$seen{$field} ) { $seen{$field} = 1; my $title = $field->{title} || $name; next if( grep{ /^($title|$name)$/ } @hiddenList ); my $attributes = $field->{attributes} || ''; my $text = $format; my @a = map { $_->{value} } grep { $_->{name} eq $name } @fields; my $value = ''; $value = $a[0] if( scalar @a ); my $length = length $value; my ( $extra, $inputField ) = $field->renderForEdit( $vWeb, $vTopic, $value ); # In value="", escape space, angle brackets, "%" and "|" $inputField =~ s/(value=")([^"]*)/$1 . defuseTML($2)/geo; if( $field->isMandatory() ) { $extra .= CGI::span( { class => 'twikiAlert' }, ' *' ); } $text =~ s/\$inputfield/$inputField/go; $text =~ s/\$title/$title/go; $text =~ s/\$name/$name/go; $text =~ s/\$length/$length/go; $text =~ s/\$size/$field->{size}/go; $text =~ s/\$value/$field->{value}/go; $text =~ s/\$tooltip/$field->{tooltip}/go; $text =~ s/\$attributes/$attributes/go; $text =~ s/\$extra/$extra/go; $text =~ s/\$formweb/$formWeb/go; $text =~ s/\$formtopic/$formTopic/go; push( @lines, $text ); } } } elsif( $element eq 'hiddenfields' ) { my $hiddenFormat = ''; foreach my $name ( @hiddenList ) { my $value = $params->{$name}; if( defined $value ) { my $text = $hiddenFormat; $text =~ s/\$name/$name/go; $text =~ s/\$value/$value/go; push( @lines, $text ); } } } elsif( $element eq 'submit' ) { $submit =~ s/\$submit\(([^\)]*)\)/_submitField( $1 )/geo; $submit =~ s/\$submit/_submitField( 'Save' )/geo; push( @lines, $submit ); } elsif( $element eq 'formend' ) { push( @lines, '
' ); } } $separator =~ s/\$br\b/
/go; $separator =~ s/\$n\b/\n/go; my $text = join( $separator, @lines ); return $text; } sub _submitField { my( $label ) = @_; $label ||= 'Save'; my $text = ''; $text =~ s/\$label/$label/g; return $text; } =pod ---++ ObjectMethod renderEDITFORMFIELD ( %params, $topic, $web ) -> $html Returns the fully rendered expansion of a %EDITFORMFIELD{}% tag. =cut sub renderEDITFORMFIELD { my ( $this, $params, $topic, $web ) = @_; my $formField = $params->{_DEFAULT}; my $formTopic = $params->{form}; my $format = $params->{format} || '$inputfield'; my $type = $params->{type} || ''; my $value = $params->{value} || ''; my $vTopic = $params->{topic} || ''; my $session = $this->{session}; my $formWeb; unless( $formField ) { return errorMsg( 'Required form field name is missing' ); } if( $type =~ /^start$/i ) { # special case: HTML start tag my $action = $params->{action} || 'view'; my $method = 'get'; if( $params->{method} ) { $method = $params->{method}; } elsif( $action =~ /^save$/i ) { $method = 'post'; } if( $action =~ /^[a-z_-]+$/i ) { my $vWeb; $vTopic ||= $topic; ( $vWeb, $vTopic ) = $session->normalizeWebTopicName( $web, $vTopic ); $action = $session->getScriptUrl( 0, $action, $vWeb, $vTopic ); } # else use full action URL verbatim my $html = "
{onsubmit} . '"' if( $params->{onsubmit} ); $html .= ' onreset="' . $params->{onreset} . '"' if( $params->{onreset} ); $html .= '>'; return $html; } elsif( $type =~ /^end$/i ) { # special case: HTML start tag my $html = '
'; return $html; } elsif( $type =~ /^textarea$/ ) { # special case, construct tags my $html = "'; return $html; } elsif( $type ) { # special case, construct an tag my $html = " 'twikiSubmit', button => 'twikiButton', text => 'twikiInputField twikiEditFormTextField', checkbox => 'twikiCheckbox', radio => 'twikiRadioButton', }; my $needsClass = 1; foreach my $key ( keys %$params ) { next if( $key =~ /^(_DEFAULT|_RAW|name|type|text)$/i ); $needsClass = 0 if( $key =~ /^class$/i ); $html .= " $key=\"" . $params->{$key} . '"'; } if( $needsClass && $classes->{$type} ) { $html .= ' class="' . $classes->{$type} . '"'; } $html .= ' />'; if( $type =~ /^(radio|checkbox)$/i ) { if( $params->{text} ) { $html .= ' ' . $params->{text}; } elsif( $params->{value} ) { $html .= ' ' . $params->{value}; } $html = ""; } return $html; } unless( $formTopic || $vTopic || $type ) { return errorMsg( 'Required form, topic or type parameter is missing' ); } if( $vTopic ) { # get form name and value from specified topic my $vWeb; ( $vWeb, $vTopic ) = $session->normalizeWebTopicName( $web, $vTopic ); my $meta = $this->_getTopicMeta( $vWeb, $vTopic ); if ( $meta ) { if( $meta->get( 'FORM' ) ) { $formTopic ||= ( $meta->get( 'FORM' )->{name} || '' ); } else { return errorMsg( "Topic !$vWeb.$vTopic does not have a form" ); } if( $value eq '' ) { # get value from specified topic my @fields = $meta->find( 'FIELD' ); foreach my $field ( @fields ) { my $title = $field->{title} || ''; if( $title eq $formField || $field->{name} eq $formField ) { $value = $field->{value}; last; #one hit suffices } } } } } ( $formWeb, $formTopic ) = $session->normalizeWebTopicName( $web, $formTopic ); unless( $session->{store}->topicExists( $formWeb, $formTopic ) ) { return errorMsg( "Topic !$formWeb.$formTopic does not exist" ); } my $formDef = $this->{formDefCache}{"$formWeb.$formTopic"}; unless( $formDef ) { require TWiki::Form; $formDef = new TWiki::Form( $session, $formWeb, $formTopic ); $this->{formDefCache}{"$formWeb.$formTopic"} = $formDef; } unless( $formDef ) { return errorMsg( "Topic $formWeb.$formTopic does not have a form definition" ); } foreach my $fieldDef ( @{$formDef->{fields}} ) { if( $fieldDef->{title} eq $formField || $fieldDef->{name} eq $formField ) { if ( $TWiki::cfg{Site}{CharSet} =~ m/^utf-?8$/i ) { require Encode; $value = Encode::decode_utf8($value); } my ( $extra, $text ) = $fieldDef->renderForEdit( $web, $topic, $value ); if ( $TWiki::cfg{Site}{CharSet} =~ m/^utf-?8$/i ) { $extra = Encode::encode_utf8($extra); $text = Encode::encode_utf8($text); } # In value="", escape space, angle brackets, "%" and "|" $text =~ s/(value=")([^"]*)/$1 . defuseTML($2)/geo; if( $fieldDef->isMandatory() ) { $extra .= CGI::span( { class => 'twikiAlert' }, ' *' ); } my $html = $format; $html =~ s/\$inputfield/$text/go; $html =~ s/\$extra/$extra/go; $html =~ s/\$name/$fieldDef->{name}/go; $html =~ s/\$title/$fieldDef->{title}/go; $html =~ s/\$size/$fieldDef->{size}/go; $html =~ s/\$value/$fieldDef->{value}/go; $html =~ s/\$tooltip/$fieldDef->{tooltip}/go; $html =~ s/\$attributes/$fieldDef->{attributes}/go; return $html; } } return errorMsg( "Topic $formWeb.$formTopic does not have a form field named !" . $formField ); } sub defuseTML { my( $text ) = @_; $text =~ s/\s/ /g; # defuse TML by escaping space $text =~ s/\%/%/g; # defuse %VARIABLES% $text =~ s/\[/[/g; # defuse [[]] links $text =~ s/\|/|/g; # defuse "|" to allow EDITFIELD in TWiki tables return $text; } sub errorMsg { my( $msg ) = @_; return CGI::span( { class => 'twikiAlert' }, "EDITFORMFIELD Error: $msg" ); } =pod ---++ ObjectMethod getRenderedVersion ( $text, $theWeb, $theTopic ) -> $html The main rendering function. =cut sub getRenderedVersion { my( $this, $text, $theWeb, $theTopic ) = @_; return '' unless $text; # nothing to do $theTopic ||= $this->{session}->{topicName}; $theWeb ||= $this->{session}->{webName}; my $session = $this->{session}; my $plugins = $session->{plugins}; my $prefs = $session->{prefs}; @{$this->{LIST}} = (); %anchornames = (); # Initial cleanup $text =~ s/\r//g; # whitespace before \n/s; # Maps of placeholders to tag parameters and text my $removed = {}; # verbatim before literal - see Item3431 $text = $this->takeOutBlocks( $text, 'verbatim', $removed ); $text = $this->takeOutBlocks( $text, 'literal', $removed ); $text = $this->_takeOutProtected( $text, qr/<\?([^?]*)\?>/s, 'comment', $removed ); $text = $this->_takeOutProtected( $text, qr/]*)>?/mi, 'comment', $removed ); $text = $this->_takeOutProtected( $text, qr//si, 'head', $removed ); $text = $this->_takeOutProtected( $text, qr//si, 'textarea', $removed ); $text = $this->_takeOutProtected( $text, qr//si, 'script', $removed ); # DEPRECATED startRenderingHandler before PRE removed # SMELL: could parse more efficiently if this wasn't # here. $plugins->dispatch( 'startRenderingHandler', $text, $theWeb, $theTopic ); $text = $this->takeOutBlocks( $text, 'pre', $removed ); # Join lines ending in '\' (don't need \r?, it was removed already) $text =~ s/\\\n//gs; $plugins->dispatch( 'preRenderingHandler', $text, $removed ); if( $plugins->haveHandlerFor( 'insidePREHandler' )) { foreach my $region ( sort keys %$removed ) { next unless ( $region =~ /^pre\d+$/i ); my @lines = split( /\r?\n/, $removed->{$region}{text} ); my $rt = ''; while ( scalar( @lines )) { my $line = shift( @lines ); $plugins->dispatch( 'insidePREHandler', $line ); if ( $line =~ /\n/ ) { unshift( @lines, split( /\r?\n/, $line )); next; } $rt .= $line."\n"; } $removed->{$region}{text} = $rt; } } if( $plugins->haveHandlerFor( 'outsidePREHandler' )) { # DEPRECATED - this is the one call preventing # effective optimisation of the TWiki ML processing loop, # as it exposes the concept of a 'line loop' to plugins, # but HTML is not a line-oriented language (though TML is). # But without it, a lot of processing could be moved # outside the line loop. my @lines = split( /\r?\n/, $text ); my $rt = ''; while ( scalar( @lines ) ) { my $line = shift( @lines ); $plugins->dispatch( 'outsidePREHandler', $line ); if ( $line =~ /\n/ ) { unshift( @lines, split( /\r?\n/, $line )); next; } $rt .= $line . "\n"; } $text = $rt; } # Escape rendering: Change ' !AnyWord' to ' AnyWord', # for final ' AnyWord' output $text =~ s/$STARTWW\!(?=[\w\*\=\@])//gm; # Blockquoted email (indented with '> ') # Could be used to provide different colors for different numbers of '>' $text =~ s/^>(.*?)$/'>'.CGI::cite( $1 ).CGI::br()/gem; # Locate isolated < and > and translate to entities # Protect isolated $text =~ s//--}$TWiki::TranslationToken/g; # SMELL: this next fragment does not handle the case where HTML tags # are embedded in the values provided to other tags. The only way to # do this correctly is to parse the HTML (bleagh!). So we just assume # they have been escaped. $text =~ s/<(\/?\w+(:\w+)?)>/{$TWiki::TranslationToken$1}$TWiki::TranslationToken/g; $text =~ s/<(\w+(:\w+)?(\s+.*?|\/)?)>/{$TWiki::TranslationToken$1}$TWiki::TranslationToken/g; # XML processing instruction only valid at start of text $text =~ s/^<(\?\w.*?\?)>/{$TWiki::TranslationToken$1}$TWiki::TranslationToken/g; # entitify lone < and >, praying that we haven't screwed up :-( # Item1985: CDATA sections are not lone < and > $text =~ s/<(?!\!\[CDATA\[)/<\;/g; $text =~ s/(?/>\;/g; $text =~ s/{$TWiki::TranslationToken//go; # standard URI $text =~ s/(^|[-*\s(|])($TWiki::regex{linkProtocolPattern}:([^\s<>"]+[^\s*.,!?;:)<|]))/$1._externalLink( $this,$2)/geo; # other entities $text =~ s/&(\w+);/$TWiki::TranslationToken$1;/g; # "&abc;" $text =~ s/&(#x?[0-9a-f]+);/$TWiki::TranslationToken$1;/gi; # "{" $text =~ s/&/&/g; # escape standalone "&" $text =~ s/$TWiki::TranslationToken(#x?[0-9a-f]+;)/&$1/goi; $text =~ s/$TWiki::TranslationToken(\w+;)/&$1/go; # '#WikiName' anchors (moved in front in order to retain original names if possible) # SMELL: in case this type of anchor (presumably user-defined) gets renamed, it should be noted somewhere $text =~ s/^(\#)($TWiki::regex{wikiWordRegex})/CGI::a({name=>$this->makeUniqueAnchorName($theWeb,$theTopic,$2)},'')/geom; # Headings # '
' HTML rule $text =~ s/$TWiki::regex{headerPatternHt}/_makeAnchorHeading($this,$2,$1,$theTopic,$theWeb)/geo; # '----+++++++' rule $text =~ s/$TWiki::regex{headerPatternDa}/_makeAnchorHeading($this,$2,(length($1)),$theTopic,$theWeb)/geo; # Horizontal rule my $hr = CGI::hr(); $text =~ s/^---+/$hr/gm; # Now we really _do_ need a line loop, to process TML # line-oriented stuff. my $isList = 0; # 1 when within a list, -1 when list cleanup is required, 0 when outside of list my $tableRow = 0; my @result; my $isFirst = 1; my $olStyle = { 'A' => 'upper-alpha', 'a' => 'lower-alpha', 'I' => 'upper-roman', 'i' => 'lower-roman' }; my $emptyP = $TWiki::cfg{OpenClosePTags} ? '

' : '

'; my $tablePluginEnabled = $session->inContext( 'TablePluginEnabled' ); foreach my $line ( split( /\r?\n/, $text )) { # Table: | cell | cell | # allow trailing white space after the last | if( !$tablePluginEnabled && $line =~ m/^(\s*)\|.*\|\s*$/ ) { unless( $tableRow ) { # mark the head of the table push( @result, $TABLEMARKER ); } $line =~ s/^(\s*)\|(.*)/$1._emitTR( $this, $2 )/e; $tableRow++; } elsif( $tableRow ) { _addTHEADandTFOOT( \@result ); push( @result, '' ); $tableRow = 0; } # Lists and paragraphs if ( $line =~ m/^\s*$/ ) { unless( $tableRow || $isFirst ) { $line = $emptyP; } $isList = -1 if( $isList ); } elsif ( $line =~ m/^\S/ ) { $isList = -1 if( $isList ); } elsif ( $line =~ m/^(\t| )+\S/ ) { if ( $line =~ s/^((\t| )+)\$\s(([^:]+|:[^\s]+)+?):\s/

$3 <\/dt>
/ ) { # Definition list _addListItem( $this, \@result, 'dl', 'dd', $1 ); $isList = 1; } elsif ( $line =~ s/^((\t| )+)(\S+?):\s/
/o ) { # Definition list _addListItem( $this, \@result, 'dl', 'dd', $1 ); $isList = 1; } elsif ( $line =~ s/^((\t| )+)\* icon:([^ ]+) /'
  • '/eo ) { # Unordered list with bullet icon _addListItem( $this, \@result, 'ul', 'li', $1 ); $isList = 1; } elsif ( $line =~ s/^((\t| )+)\* /
  • /o ) { # Unordered list _addListItem( $this, \@result, 'ul', 'li', $1 ); $isList = 1; } elsif ( $line =~ m/^((\t| )+)([1AaIi]\.|\d+\.?) ?/ ) { # Numbered list my $ot = $3; $ot =~ s/^(.).*/$1/; if( $olStyle->{$ot} ) { $ot = ' style="list-style-type: '.$olStyle->{$ot}.';"'; } else { $ot = ''; } $line =~ s/^((\t| )+)([1AaIi]\.|\d+\.?) ?/ /; _addListItem( $this, \@result, 'ol', 'li', $1 ); $isList = 1; } elsif( $isList && $line =~ /^(\t| )+\s*\S/ ) { # indented line extending prior list item push( @result, $line ); next; } else { $isList = -1 if( $isList ); } } elsif( $isList && $line =~ /^(\t| )+\s*\S/ ) { # indented line extending prior list item; case where indent # starts with is at least 3 spaces or a tab, but may not be a # multiple of 3. push( @result, $line ); next; } # Finish the list if( $isList < 0 ) { _addListItem( $this, \@result, '', '', '' ); $isList = 0; } elsif( !$isFirst && !$isList ) { push( @result, "\n" ); } $isFirst = 0; push( @result, $line ); } if( $tableRow ) { _addTHEADandTFOOT( \@result ); push( @result, '' ); } _addListItem( $this, \@result, '', '', '' ); $text = join( '', @result ); # WikiWords $text =~ s/${STARTWW}==(\S+?|\S[^\n]*?\S)==$ENDWW/_fixedFontText($1,1)/gem; $text =~ s/${STARTWW}__(\S+?|\S[^\n]*?\S)__$ENDWW/$1<\/em><\/strong>/gm; $text =~ s/${STARTWW}\*(\S+?|\S[^\n]*?\S)\*$ENDWW/$1<\/strong>/gm; $text =~ s/${STARTWW}\_(\S+?|\S[^\n]*?\S)\_$ENDWW/$1<\/em>/gm; $text =~ s/${STARTWW}\=(\S+?|\S[^\n]*?\S)\=$ENDWW/_fixedFontText($1,0)/gem; # Fix for Item6165: Moved mailto rendering to below [[][]] rendering (broken link if link text has e-mail address) # Handle [[][] and [[]] links # Escape rendering: Change ' ![[...' to ' [[...', for final unrendered ' [[...' output $text =~ s/(^|\s)\!\[\[/$1\[\[/gm; # Spaced-out Wiki words with alternative link text # i.e. [[$1][$3]] $text =~ s/\[\[([^\]\[\n]+)\](\[([^\]\n]+)\])?\]/_handleSquareBracketedLink( $this,$theWeb,$theTopic,$1,$3)/ge; # Mailto e-mail addresses must always be 7-bit, even within I18N sites # Normal mailto:foo@example.com ('mailto:' part optional) $text =~ s/$STARTWW((mailto\:)?$TWiki::regex{emailAddrRegex})$ENDWW/_mailLink( $this, $1 )/gem; # Twitter ID, e.g. @twiki $text =~ s/$STARTWW\@([a-zA-Z0-9_]+)/_twitterLink( $this, $1 )/gem; unless( TWiki::isTrue( $prefs->getPreferencesValue('NOAUTOLINK')) ) { # Handle WikiWords $text = $this->takeOutBlocks( $text, 'noautolink', $removed ); $text =~ s/$STARTWW(?:($TWiki::regex{webNameRegex})\.)?($TWiki::regex{wikiWordRegex}|$TWiki::regex{abbrevRegex})($TWiki::regex{anchorRegex})?/_handleWikiWord( $this,$theWeb,$1,$2,$3)/geom; $this->putBackBlocks( \$text, $removed, 'noautolink' ); } $this->putBackBlocks( \$text, $removed, 'pre' ); # DEPRECATED plugins hook after PRE re-inserted $plugins->dispatch( 'endRenderingHandler', $text ); $this->_putBackProtected( \$text, 'script', $removed, \&_filterScript ); $this->_putBackProtected( \$text, 'textarea', $removed ); $this->_putBackProtected( \$text, 'head', $removed ); $this->_putBackProtected( \$text, 'comment', $removed ); $this->putBackBlocks( \$text, $removed, 'literal', '', \&_filterLiteral ); # replace verbatim with pre in the final output $this->putBackBlocks( \$text, $removed, 'verbatim', 'pre', \&verbatimCallBack ); $text =~ s|\n?\n$||o; # clean up clutch $this->{session}->{users}->{loginManager}->endRenderingHandler( $text ); $plugins->dispatch( 'postRenderingHandler', $text ); return $text; } =pod ---++ StaticMethod verbatimCallBack Callback for use with putBackBlocks that replaces < and > by their HTML entities &lt; and &gt; =cut sub verbatimCallBack { my $val = shift; # SMELL: A shame to do this, but been in TWiki.org have converted # 3 spaces to tabs since day 1 $val =~ s/\t/ /g; return TWiki::entityEncode( $val ); } # Only put script and literal sections back if they are allowed by options sub _filterLiteral { my $val = shift; return $val if( $TWiki::cfg{AllowInlineScript} ); return CGI::comment(' is not allowed on this site'); } sub _filterScript { my $val = shift; return $val if( $TWiki::cfg{AllowInlineScript} ); return CGI::comment('