%{ This is a default template }%From: %WIKIWEBMASTERNAME% <%WIKIWEBMASTER%> To: %WIKIWEBMASTERNAME% <%WIKIWEBMASTER%> Subject: %MAKETEXT{"[_1] - Registration failure for [_2] ([_3])" args="%WIKITOOLNAME%, %WIKINAME%, %EMAILADDRESS%"}% MIME-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: text/plain; charset=%CHARSET% Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit %MAKETEXT{"This is an automated e-mail notification of user registration in [_1]." args="%WIKITOOLNAME%"}% %MAKETEXT{"[_1] has been registered with e-mail [_2]" args="%WIKINAME%, %EMAILADDRESS%"}% (%REMOTE_ADDR%) %MAKETEXT{"However, confirmation e-mail to [_2] failed, indicating probable fraudulent registration. The [_1] user could not be removed automatically." args="%WIKINAME%, %EMAILADDRESS%"}% %MAKETEXT{"Submitted content:"}% %FORMDATA% %MAKETEXT{"Saved to:"}% %SCRIPTURL{"view"}%/%USERSWEB%/%WIKINAME%